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Third Follow-up Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (MESECVI, 2021)

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Third Hemispheric Report on the Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI, 2017)

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Second Follow-up Report on the Recommendations of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (MESECVI, 2014)

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Second Hemispheric Report on the Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI, 2012)

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First Follow-up Report to the Recommendations of the Committee of Experts (MESECVI, 2010)

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First Hemispheric Report on the Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI, 2008)

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Gender-based violence against girls and women with disabilities (MESECVI, 2022)

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Follow-up on measures and budgets aimed at reducing violence against women within the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic (OAS/CIM/MESECVI and UN Women, 2022)

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Guide for the application of the Inter-American Model Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of the Gender-Based Killing of Women, Femicide/Feminicide (OAS/CIM/MESECVI and UN Women, 2022)

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Discriminatory civil and family law in Latin America. Analysis of civil and family legislation in relation to the obligation to prevent, address, punish and repair gender-based violence against women (OAS/CIM/MESECVI and UN Women, 2022)

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Legal counseling services to address gender-based violence against women in Mexico and Central America (OAS/CIM/MESECVI and UN Women, 2022)

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Normative responses for compliance with standards on femicide/feminicide. Challenges and good practices in criminal procedure legislation in the region (OAS/CIM/MESECVI and UN Women, 2022)

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Comprehensive reparation in cases of femicide and feminicide in Latin America: progress, challenges, and recommendations (OAS/CIM/MESECVI and UN Women, 2022)

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Hemispheric Report on Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions in the States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI, 2022)

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Cyber-violence and cyber-bullying against women and girls in the framework of the Belém Do Pará Convention (OAS/CIM/MESECVI and UN Women, 2022)

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Women’s cybersecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences, risks, and self-care strategies in the new digital normality (MESECVI & CICTE, 2021)

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Online gender-based violence against women and girls. A guide to basic concepts, digital safety tools, and response strategies (MESECVI & CICTE, 2021)

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Hemispheric Report on Sexual Violence and Child Pregnancy in the States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI, 2017)

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Guidelines for Developing a Protocol for the Protection of Migrant, Displaced, and Refugee Women Against Violence and Sexual Exploitation: Panama (OEA/CIM/MESECVI, OEA/DPS, UK International Development)

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Guide to experiences and good practices in strategic litigation in cases related to the defense of women’s human rights in Latin America (OAS/CIM-MESECVI, UNDP and Spotlight Initiative, 2022)

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Guide to experiences and good practices in strategic litigation in cases related to the defense of women’s human rights in Latin America (OAS/CIM-MESECVI, UNDP and Spotlight Initiative, 2022)

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Regional report on data about disappearances and trafficking of women. Public policy recommendations (MESECVI, UNDP & Spotlight Iniciative, 2021)

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Regional analysis of legislation and policies on organized crime and violence against women and girls, and femicide/feminicide. Adaptation of regulatory frameworks according to the Palermo Protocol (MESECVI, UNDP and Spotlight Initiative, 2021)

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Standards for the Protection of the Human Rights of Women: Necessary Tools for the Defence of Women’s Political Participation (CIM, MESECVI and UN Women, 2020)

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Practical Guide to the System of Progress Indicators for Measuring the Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI, 2014)

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Guide to the application of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women (Belém do Pará Convention) (MESECVI, 2014)

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Infographics – Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention

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Regional tools to fight violence against women:The Belém do Pará and Istanbul Conventions (MESECVI, 2014)

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General Recommendation of the Committe of Experts of the MESECVI (No.1): Self-Defence and Gender-Based Violence (MESECVI, 2018)

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General Recommendation of the Committe of Experts of the MESECVI (No.2): Missing Women and Girls in the Hemisphere (MESECVI, 2018)

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General Recommendation of the MESECVI Committee of Experts (No.3): The concept of consent in cases of sexual violence against women for gender reasons (MESECVI, 2021)

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General Recommendation of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (No.4): Gender-based violence against girls and women with disabilities (MESECVI, 2022)

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General Recommendation of the Committee of Expert of the MESECVI (nº5): Gender-based violence against Afro-descendant women. (MESECVI, 2024)

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General Recommendation of the Committee of Expert of the MESECVI (nº6): On the use of stereotypes that compromise the integrity of justice systems. (MESECVI, 2024)

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Inter-American Model Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of the Gender-Based Killing of Women (Femicide/Feminicide) (MESECVI, 2018)

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Inter-American Model Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women in Political Life (MESECVI, 2017)

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Declaration on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment for the Good of Humanity (MESECVI, 2015)

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Declaration on Political Harassment and Violence Against Women (MESECVI, 2015)

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Declaration on Violence against Women, Girls and Adolescents and their Sexual and Reproductive Rights (MESECVI, 2014)

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Declaration of Pachuca: “Strengthening efforts to prevent violence against women” (MESECVI, 2014)

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Declaration on Femicide (MESECVI, 2008)

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Regional Declaration on the Eradication of Gender Stereotypes in Public Spaces Resulting in Symbolic and Political Gender-Based Violence Against Women

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Annual Reports of the Follow Up Mechanism to Belém do Pará Covention(MESECVI)

Periodic reports of the MESECVI to the Assembly of Delegates of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)

Biennial report on the promotion of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women (pre-MESECVI)

  • 2005 Report (PDF)
  • 2003 Report (PDF)
  • 2001 Report (PDF)
  • 1999 Report (PDF)
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The EDVAW Platform’s contributions to the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (MESECVI, EDVAW Platform, 2020)

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Technical Briefs (MESECVI, 2011)

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In Modern Bondage: Sex Trafficking in the Americas (CIM, 2002)

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Violence in the Americas: A Regional Analysis (CIM, 2001)

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