Guide for the application of the Inter-American Model Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of the Gender-Based Killing of Women, Femicide/Feminicide
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Guide for the application of the Inter-American Model Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of the Gender-Based Killing of Women, Femicide/Feminicide
Femicide/feminicide is the most serious manifestation of discrimination and violence against women. In Latin America and the Caribbean, it is an urgent problem, still normalized and largely invisible, despite advances in its recognition in legislation and criminal codes.
This guide seeks to promote and strengthen awareness of the Model Law in order to promote its effective application throughout the region. The goal is to offer a set of tools to address femicide/feminicide and the violent killings of women from a public policy perspective that overcomes the punitive tradition that has so far been unable to prevent violence against women.
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