The MESECVI conducts Multilateral Evaluation Rounds to monitor and follow up on progress in the implementation by the States of the obligations derived from the Convention. In each round, the States respond to a series of progress indicators developed by the Committee of Experts. Each round includes an evaluation phase and a follow-up phase.
Evaluation and Follow-up phase:
Evaluation Rounds
During the Multi-lateral Evaluation Round, the Committee of Experts prepared and circulated a questionnaire on the measures adopted by States Party to address violence against women. The States Party completed these questionnaires, and their responses served as the basis for the national reports.
- Questionnaire from the First Multilateral Evaluation Round (2004-2008)
The final national report consists of: i) an analysis by the Committee of Experts of the State responses to the questionnaire; ii) a series of recommendations prepared by the Committee of Experts; and iii) the comments of the State on the analysis and its recommendations.
The results and recommendations of all the national reports were consolidated into the First Hemispheric Report on the Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention.
Subsequently, the Committee of Experts circulated another questionnaire to the States Parties to follow up on the implementation of the recommendations provided during the evaluation phase. The responses of the States to this second questionnaire formed the basis for the First Follow-up Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI.
During the Multi-lateral Evaluation Round, the Committee of Experts prepares and circulates a questionnaire on the measures adopted by States Party to address violence against women. The States Party complete these questionnaires, which then serve as the bases for the national reports.
- Questionnaire from the First Multilateral Evaluation Round (2004-2008)
- Questionnaire from the Second Multilateral Evaluation Round (2009-2013)
- Progress Indicators for Measuring the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention of the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women “Belém do Pará Convention”
The final national report consists of: i) an analysis by the Committee of Experts of the State responses to the questionnaire; ii) a series of recommendations prepared by the Committee of Experts; and iii) the comments of the State on the analysis and its recommendations.
The results and recommendations of all the national reports are consolidated into a Hemispheric Report.
During the evaluation phase of the Third Multilateral Evaluation Round, the Committee of Experts circulated the System of progress indicators for measuring the implementation of the Convention of Belém do Pará. The States Party provided information based on these indicators, and their responses serve as the basis for the preparation of these national reports.
- System of progress indicators for the evaluation phase of the Third Multilateral Evaluation Round (2016-2017)
The national reports of the evaluation phase of each Round consist of i) an analysis by the Committee of Experts of the response of the States to the indicators; ii) a series of recommendations prepared by the Committee of Experts; and iii) the State’s comments on the analysis and its recommendations. The results and recommendations of all the national reports were then consolidated into the Third Hemispheric Report on the Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention