The Technical Secretariat of the MESECVI manages the strategic and administrative operation of the Mechanism.
Its principal responsibilities include:
- Serving as intermediary between the States Party, the Committee of Experts and Civil Society
- Supporting the preparation of the questionnaires and the national, hemispheric and follow-up reports
- Strengthening coordination between the MESECVI and other partners – including international organizations, civil society and academic and research institutions
The Technical Secretariat is part of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), a specialized agency of the OAS for the promotion and protection of women’s rights and gender equality.
Contact the MESECVI Secretariat at:
Technical Secretary of the MESECVI

Luz Patricia Mejía Guerrero
Luz Patricia Mejía is the Technical Secretary of the MESECVI. Previously, she has served Rapporteur for Women’s Rights, Commissioner and President of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR). A graduate of the Faculty of Juridical and Political Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela, with a Masters in Public Law from Carlos III University of Madrid, she previously worked as Director of the Legal Office of the Public Ministry, and with the Office of the Ombudsperson in Venezuela.