The MESECVI is made up of four pillars that fulfill different functions and cooperate with each other, with the objective of advancing compliance with the Belém do Pará Convention. These four pillars are:
The Conference of States Parties is composed of the Competent National Authorities. Each State Party to the Convention appoints an authority to participate in this body, which, in most cases, is the highest authority of the country in the area of women’s rights, such as the Ministries of Women’s Affairs.
The Committee of Experts (CEVI) is the technical body of the MESECVI, responsible for the analysis and evaluation of the Convention implementation process. It is integrated by independent experts appointed by each of the States Parties to the Convention and who perform their functions in their personal capacity.
The Technical Secretariat manages the strategic and administrative operation of the Mechanism and coordinates between the different organs of the Mechanism.
Civil society is represented in the Mechanism through various nongovernmental organizations whose mission and objective are to promote, defend, and protect women’s rights.