Violence in the Americas: A Regional Analysis
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Violence in the Americas: A Regional Analysis
By the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention of Belém do Pará (2000), it was apparent that the profound changes anticipated as a result of the Convention had not taken place. Civil society, international organizations, and the CIM examined what had been achieved in order to determine the real impact of the strategies for eradicating violence against women. This report provides an analysis of progress made in implementing the Convention up to 2000, the obstacles faced, and future endeavours.
Download the full text of the Regional Report
Sub-regional analyses:
- National Programs to Prevent, Punish, and Eradicate Violence Against Women in Ten Caribbean Countries (Download PDF)
- National Programs to Prevent, Punish, and Eradicate Violence against Women in the Central American Region (Download PDF)
- National Programs to Prevent, Punish, and Eradicate Violence against Women in the South American Region (Download PDF)
- National Programs to Prevent, Punish, and Eradicate Violence against Women in the Andean Region (Download PDF)