Infographics – Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention
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Infographics – Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention
This series of infographics seeks to call attention to specific aspects of the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention and highlight progress and persistent challenges in the States Party.
Download the infographics on:
- Care for girls that are victims of sexual violence in English or Spanish
- Registries of girls that victims of sexual violence in English or Spanish
- Comprehensive laws on violence against women in English or Spanish
- Trafficking in persons: Legislation on the Americas in English or Spanish
- Rape within marriage and de facto unions in English or Spanish
- Sexual and reproductive rights: Obstretric violence in English or Spanish
- Sexual and reproductive rights: Interrupción del embarazo en English or Spanish
- Mediation of cases of violencia against women in English or Spanish
- Information and statistics on violence against women in English or Spanish
- Budgets for addressing violence against women in English or Spanish