Conference of States Party
The Conference of States Party, which brings together the Competent National Authorities and other representatives of the states that have signed and/or ratified the Convention of Belém do Pará to discuss the national reports and the recommendations drawn up by the Committee of Experts, to review and adopt the Hemispheric Report, and to consider routine matters concerning the Mechanism’s operations and exchange views on the effective, sustainable implementation of the Convention.
Ninth Conference of States Party
(June 11-12, 2024, Santiago, Chile)
(June 11-12, 2024, Santiago, Chile)
- Agenda (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.145/24)
- Calendar (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.146/24)
- Modification of the Rules of Procedure of the CEP (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.147/24) / (Rules of Procedure modified)
- MESECVI Strategic Plan 2024-2029 (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.148/24.rev2)
- Declaration on Acceleration Strategies for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.149/24.rev1)
- Agreements (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.150/24.rev1)
- Rapporteurship (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.151/24)
- List of participants (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.152/24)
- List of documents (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.153/24)
- Minutes (MESECVI-IX/CE/doc.154/24)
Third Special Conference of States Party
(September 20th, 2023, virtual)
(September 20th, 2023, virtual)
- Agenda (MESECVI-III-CE/doc.137/23)
- Calendar (MESECVI-III-CE/doc.138/23)
- Regional Declaration on the Eradication of Gender Stereotypes in Public Spaces Resulting in Symbolic and Political Gender-based Violence against Women (MESECVI-III-CEE/doc.139/23.rev.5)
- Agreements (MESECVI-III-CEE/doc.140/23.rev1)
- List of participants (MESECVI-III-CE/doc.141/23.rev1)
- Rapporteurship (MESECVI-III-CEE/doc.142/23.rev1)
- Report of the President of the CEP (MESECVI-III-CEE/inf.28/23)
List of documents (MESECVI-III-CEE/doc.143/23)
Eight Conference of States Party
(December 11th, 2020, Washington, DC)
(December 11th, 2020, Washington, DC)
- Agenda (MESECVI-VIII/doc.132/20)
- Organization of work (MESECVI-VIII/doc.133/20.rev1)
- Agreements (MESECVI-VIII-doc.134/20.rev2)
- Rapporteurship (MESECVI-VIII/doc.135/20)
- Third Follow-up Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (MESECVI-VIII/inf.26/20)
- Report of the President of the CEP (MESECVI-VIII/inf.27/20)
- Minute of the meeting (MESECVI-VIII/doc.136/20)
Second Special Conference of States Party
(February 21st 2018, Washington, DC)
(February 21st 2018, Washington, DC)
- Agenda (MESECVI/II-CE/doc.131/18)
- Organization of Work (MESECVI-II-CE/doc.132/18.corr1)
- Strategic Plan of the MESECVI 2018-2023 (MESECVI/II-CE/doc.133/18.rev1)
- Report (MESECVI-II-CE/doc.136/18)
- Agreements (MESECVI-II-CE/doc.134/18.rev1)
- Report on the Implementation of the Strategic Plan of the MESECVI 2014-2017 (MESECVI-II-CE/INF.26/18.rev1)
- Declaration on regional challenges for the human rights of women in the Americas and the eradication of violence against women (Draft) (MESECVI-II-CE/INF.27/18)
Seventh Conference of States Party
(November 29th and 30th 2017, Panama City, Panama)
(November 29th and 30th 2017, Panama City, Panama)
- Organization of Work (MESECVI-VII/doc.125/17)
- Report (MESECVI-VII/doc.131/17)
- Agreements (MESECVI-VII/doc.126/17.rev1)
Sixth Conference of States Party
(October 15-16, Lima, Perú)
(October 15-16, Lima, Perú)
- Organization of work (MESECVI-VI/doc.116/15.rev1 )
- Calendar of activities (MESECVI-VI/doc.116/15.rev1)
- Declaration Political Harassment and Violence against women (MESECVI-VI/doc.117/15.rev2)
- Agreements (MESECVI-VI/doc.118/15.rev1)
- Report of the President (MESECVI-VI/doc.119/15)
- Report of the Technical Secretariat of the MESECVI (MESECVI-VI/doc.120/15)
First Special Conference of States Party
(October 23-24 2014, Mexico City)
(October 23-24 2014, Mexico City)
- Agenda (MESECVI/I-CE/doc.2/14)
- Organization of work (MESECVI/I-CE/doc.3/14.rev1)
- Report of the Technical Secretariat of the MESECVI to the First Special Conference of States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI/I-CE/doc.9/14)
- Strategic Plan of the MESECVI 2014-2017 (MESECVI/I-CE/doc.4/14)
- Second Follow-up Report on the Recommendations of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (MESECVI/I-CE/doc.10/14)
- Final Report (MESECVI/I-CE/doc.14/14) and Agreements (MESECVI/I-CE/doc.11/14) of the First Special Conference of States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention
- Presentations and other documents (Download the .Zip file)
Fifth Conference of States Party
(November 18-19 2013, Washington, D.C.)
(November 18-19 2013, Washington, D.C.)
- Agenda (MESECVI-V doc.107/13.rev.4 corr.2)
- Organization of work (MESECVI-V/doc.108/13 rev.6)
- Final report (MESECVI-V doc.109/13 rev.4) and agreements adopted (MESECVI-V doc.109/13 rev.4)
- Presentations and other documents (Download the .Zip file)
Fourth Conference of States Party
(April 16th 2012, Washington, D.C.)
(April 16th 2012, Washington, D.C.)
- Agenda (MESECVI-IV/doc.64/12.rev.1)
- Organization of work (MESECVI-IV/doc.65/12.rev.1)
- Final report (MESECVI-IV/doc.106/12) and agreements adopted (MESECVI-IV/doc.101/12 rev.1)
- Presentations and other documents (Download .Zip file)
Third Conference of States Party
(April 24-25, 2011, Antigua, Guatemala)
(April 24-25, 2011, Antigua, Guatemala)
- Agenda (MESECVI-III/doc.52/11 rev.1)
- Final Report (MESECVI-III/doc.62/11) and agreements adopted (MESECVI-III/doc.59/11.rev.3)
- Documents considered (Download the .Zip file)
Second Conference of States Party
(July 9-10, 2008, Caracas, Venezuela)
(July 9-10, 2008, Caracas, Venezuela)
- Agenda (MESECVI-II/doc.13/07 rev. 4)
- Final Report (MESECVI-II/doc.51/08) and agreements adopted (MESECVI-II/doc.15/08 rev. 4)
- Documents considered (Download the .Zip file)
First Conference of States Party
(July 20-21, 2004, Washington, D.C.)
(July 20-21, 2004, Washington, D.C.)
- Agenda (CIM/MESECVI/doc.2/04)
- Final Report (CIM/MESECVI-II/doc.9/04)
- Presentations and other documents (Download the .Zip file)