Meetings of the Committee of Experts
Twentieth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(November 28th and 29th, 2023, Washington, DC)
(November 28th and 29th, 2023, Washington, DC)
- Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.282/23)
- Organization of work (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.281/23)
- Report of Activities (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.283/23)
- General Recommendation N.5 on gender-based violence against afro-descendant women (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.284/23.rev2)
- General Recommendation N.6 on the use of stereotypes that compromise the integrity of justice systems (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.285/23.rev1)
- Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.286/23)
- Minute (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.287/23)
Nineteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(November 11th and 12th, 2022, Buenos Aires)
(November 11th and 12th, 2022, Buenos Aires)
- Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.271/22)
- Organization of work (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.272/22)
- Report of Activities (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.273/22)
- General Recommendation N.4 of the Committee of Experts on gender-based violence against girls, adolescents and women with disabilities (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.278/22)
- Thematic report on violence against girls and women with disabilities (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.277/22)
- Regional Study on shelters for victims of gender-based violence in Latin America (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.274/22.rev1)
- In-Depth Country Studies on Shelters for Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence. The cases of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Peru (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.275/22.rev.1)
- Report on legislation on Gender-Based Violence against Women in the Anglophone Caribbean
- Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.279/22)
- Minute (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.280/22)
- Report about the institutional strengthening of the MESECVI (Download in Spanish)
Eighteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(December 7th and 8th, 2021, Virtual)
(December 7th and 8th, 2021, Virtual)
- Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.263/21)
- Organization of work (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.264/21)
- Report of Activities (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.266/21)
- General Recommendation of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (No. 3): The Concept of Consent in cases of Gender-Based Sexual Violence Against Women» (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.267/21)
- Report on child, early and forced marriage and unions(MESECVI/CEVI/doc.265/21)
- Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.268/21)
Seventeenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(December 14th and 15th, 2020, Washington, DC)
(December 14th and 15th, 2020, Washington, DC)
- Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.257/20)
- Organization of work (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.258/20)
- Report of the President (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.259/20)
- Regulations of the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women «Convention of Belém do Pará» (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.260/20)
- Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.261/20)
- Guidelines, mechanisms and tools for the processing of communications and documents from the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism to the Convention of Belém do Pará (CEVI) and the strengthening of its independence and institutional image (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.262/20)
Sixteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(December 10th, 11th and 12th, 2019, Washington, DC)
(December 10th, 11th and 12th, 2019, Washington, DC)
- Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.254/19)
- Organization of work (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.255/19)
- Report of the Technical Secretary (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.256/19)
- Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.257/19)
- Rapporteurship (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.258/19)
Fifteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(December 3rd, 4th and 5th 2018, Washington, DC)
(December 3rd, 4th and 5th 2018, Washington, DC)
- Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.246/18)
- Report of the Technical Secretariat (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.247/18)
- Inter-American Model Law to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate the Violent Death of Women (Femicide – Feminicide) (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.248/18.rev1)
- General Recommendation N. 1 of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI on Self-Defense and Gender-Based Violence according to Article 2 of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.249/18)
- General Recommendation N. 2 of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI on Missing Women and Girls in the Hemisphere according to Articles 7.b and 8 of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.250/18)
- Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.251/18)
- Guidelines to Regulate the Pronouncement of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.232/18)
Fourteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(November 27th and 28th 2017, Panama City, Panama)
(November 27th and 28th 2017, Panama City, Panama)
- Agenda (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.239/17)
- Organization of Work (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.240/17)
- Agreements Adopted (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.243/17)
- Declaration on Gender Equality and Women`s Empowerment as a Benefit to Humanity (MESECVI/CEVI/doc.244/17.rev1)
Thirteenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(October 11th to 13th 2016, Mexico City)
(October 11th to 13th 2016, Mexico City)
Twelfth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(October 13-15 2015, Lima, Perú)
(October 13-15 2015, Lima, Perú)
- Agenda (Word)
- Organization of Work (Word)
- Report of the Technical Secretariat (Word)
- Report of the President (Word)
- Draft table of contents for the report on child pregnancy and sexual and reproductive rights (Word)
- Guidlines for requesting technical assistance from the CEVI (Word)
- CEVI Work Plan October 2015-October 2017
- Agreements adopted (Word)
- Indicators of Gender Stereotypes in Education (Word)
Eleventh Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(September 18-19 2014, Montevideo)
(September 18-19 2014, Montevideo)
- Agenda (Word)
Tenth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(September 11-12 2013, Washington, D.C.)
(September 11-12 2013, Washington, D.C.)
Key results:
- Adoption of the Declaration of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI on the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the Belém do Pará Convention (Word)
- Adoption of other Agreements (Word)
Informative documents:
- Comparative table of the Belém do Pará and Council of Europe Conventions (Word)
- Comparative table of the Follow-up Mechanisms of the Belém do Pará and Council of Europe Conventions (Word)
- Comparative table of the Rules of Procedure for the Committees of Experts of the OAS Follow-up Mechanisms (Word)
- Comparative table of the OAS Follow-up Mechanisms – in loco visits (Word)
- Comparative table of follow-up committees or groups for human rights conventions (Word)
Ninth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(November 12th - 14th 2012, Mexico City)
(November 12th - 14th 2012, Mexico City)
- Agenda (Word document)
- Draft Strategic Plan of the MESECVI 2013-2017 (Word)
- Progress indicators for measuring the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention (Word)
- Declaration of Mexico on the rights of women in process to reform the penal code (Word)
- Final report (Word) and Agreements adopted (Word)
Eighth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(May 3rd & 4th 2012, Panama City)
(May 3rd & 4th 2012, Panama City)
Seventh Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(September 22-23, 2011, Washington, DC)
(September 22-23, 2011, Washington, DC)
- Agenda (PDF)
Sixth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(August 23-25, 2010, San José, Costa Rica)
(August 23-25, 2010, San José, Costa Rica)
Fifth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(June 25-26 2009, Washington, DC)
(June 25-26 2009, Washington, DC)
Fourth Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(13-15 August, 2008, Washington, DC)
(13-15 August, 2008, Washington, DC)
Third Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(18-20 de julio 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
(18-20 de julio 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Second Meeting of the Committee of Experts
(24-25 July 2006, Washington, DC)
(24-25 July 2006, Washington, DC)