
Meetings are essential to the operation of the MESECVI; they provide a necessary forum for dialogue, the exchange of views, opinions, and experiences and peer evaluation. The MESECVI holds two types of meetings as part of its regular process
    • The Conference of States Party, which brings together the Competent National Authorities and other representatives of the states that have signed and/or ratified the Convention of Belém do Pará to discuss the national reports and the recommendations drawn up by the Committee of Experts, to review and adopt the Hemispheric Report, and to consider routine matters concerning the Mechanism’s operations and exchange views on the effective, sustainable implementation of the Convention.
  • The meetings of the Committee of Experts, bring together members of the Committee of Experts to review and adopt the questionnaire to be used for each Multilateral Evaluation Round, examine the national reports and draw up recommendations, and discuss other conceptual and methodological questions related to implementation of the Convention.

In addition, the MESECVI occasionally sponsors other meetings of a political and/or technical nature to discuss matters of importance regarding implementation of the Convention, such as femicide, access to justice, and public safety for women.