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Read the communique in English or Spanish
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MESECVI condemns the discriminatory message behind the inflatable doll in Chile
[December 19th 2016] The Committee of Experts of the MESECVI expresses its concern over the actions of representatives of Asexma in Chile, which violate the right of all women to live free from violence and discrimination. This explicit reference to the reduced body of a woman is a violation of article 6 of the Belém do Pará Convention and an offense against the moral integrity of women in Chile.
MESECVI invites CSOs registered with OAS to participate in a Virtual Seminar on Shadow Reports
[June 16, 2016] The Webinar “Preparation of Shadow Reports. CSO participation in the Third Round of the MESECVI” will be held on June 30 to guide civil society organizations in monitoring compliance with the Belém do Pará Convention, improving women’s lives in the region.
Progress is being made to eliminate political violence against women
[May 31st, 2016] The Second Meeting of Experts on political violence against women began in La Paz, Bolivia, organized by CIM, MESECVI, and ParlAmericas, to discuss and validate a draft model law on political violence against women.
Advances in condemning crimes of sexual and domestic slavery
[March 31st, 2016] The MESECVI applauds the ruling in Guatemala’s Sepur Zarco case, condemning former military members for crimes of sexual and domestic slavery during the internal armed conflict. This sentence marks a significant advance in justice for women victims of sexual violence in armed conflict.
The MESECVI invites civil society organizations to participate in the Third Round
[March 15, 2016] During the XII Meeting of Experts in Lima, Peru, it was agreed that the Third Multilateral Evaluation Round on the Implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention would begin. Registered NGOs are encouraged to submit reports to the Committee of Experts.
MESECVI condemns the murder of Berta Cáceres
[March 3rd, 2016] The MESECVI strongly condemns the murder of indigenous leader Berta Cáceres, urging Honduras to strengthen measures to prevent, punish, and eradicate violence against women.
New Gender-Based Violence Report on the Bahamas
[February 24, 2016] The Bahamas’ National Task Force on Gender Violence released a report recommending the creation of a GBV Authority and a Department of Family and Gender Affairs to implement the GBV Strategic Plan.
International Women’s Day Event: Breaking Barriers to Justice: Ending Violence against Women in the Americas
[February 8, 2016] The CIM and the Permanent Missions of the United States and Canada to the OAS are organizing an event to identify challenges in eliminating violence against women and improving access to justice.