NATIONAL STUDY ON SHELTERS FOR Women Victims of Sexual Violence and Gender-Based Violence SAINT LUCIA
Portada » NATIONAL STUDY ON SHELTERS FOR Women Victims of Sexual Violence and Gender-Based Violence SAINT LUCIA

National Study on Shelters for Women Victims of Sexual Violence and Gender-Based
Violence – Saint Lucia (OEA/CIM/MESECVI, OEA/DPS, UK International Development)
This study examines the normative and institutional framework of shelters/safe houses for
women victims of gender-based violence in Saint Lucia, along with factors influencing their
operation. The report is expected to help guide various institutions and civil society
organizations in the Caribbean at national and subregional levels, contributing in the
strengthening of public policy. It seeks to provide a dignified pathway for women victims of
gender-based violence, with a particular focus on survivors of sexual violence and migrant
This study is part of the project Contributing to the Prevention of Sexual
Migrant Women and Girls in Countries of the Americas, jointly
the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), and the Department of Public Security
(DPS) of the OAS, funded by the UK government.
Download the complete publication in English.