Multi-country focused study on shelters for women victims of gender-based violence. The cases of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Peru (MESECVI and EUROsociAL+, 2024)
Portada » Multi-country focused study on shelters for women victims of gender-based violence. The cases of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Peru (MESECVI and EUROsociAL+, 2024)

Multi-country focused study on shelters for women victims of gender-based violence. The cases of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Peru (MESECVI and EUROsociAL+, 2024).
This study is part of a series of two publications carried out by MESECVI with the support of the European Union’s EUROsociAL+ Program, whose objective is to analyze the situation of shelters for women victims of gender-based violence in Latin America.
The Convention of Belém do Pará establishes the obligation of States to guarantee the safety of women who face violence or are at serious risk, through access to shelters or safe houses.
The report examines the cases of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Peru, delving into the models of shelters, their objectives and operation. It analyzes the context of their creation, the current situation and the paradigm that guides their management, providing a detailed study of the different approaches to these essential services.