About the Convention
For the first time, the Belém do Pará Convention establishes women’s right to live a life free of violence. This inter-American human rights treaty has served as the basis for the adoption of laws and policies on prevention, eradication and punishment of violence against women in its States Party, as well as the formulation of national plans, the organization of campaigns and the implementation of care protocols and services, among other initiatives. The Convention has made a significant contribution to strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System.
Text of the Convention in the official languages of the OAS: English, Spanish, French or Portuguese (Other languages)
The Convention in different languages
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Aymara, Dutch, Guaraní, Kreyól (haitiano), Quechua (Bolivia) and Quechua (Perú), mam del Soconusco, maya, mazahua de oriente, mexicano of Guerrero, mixteco of the high west, náhuatl of Huasteca, náhuatl of the mountains west of Puebla, otomí of Mezquital Valley, purépecha, tarahumara of the north, tseltal, tsotsil, zapoteco of the coastal plain, Grek, e Italian