Conferences States Party

Conferences of States Party

The Convention of Belém do Pará has been ratified by 32 Member States of the American continent. These States Parties also make up the MESECVI.

The responsibilities of the States Parties in the MESECVI process include:

  • Formulate the Statute and Regulations of the MESECVI and ensure their compliance.
  • Adopt the work plans and programs of the MESECVI and evaluate their execution.
  • Respond to the questionnaire circulated by the Committee of Experts.
  • Implement the recommendations made by the Committee of Experts.
  • Report on monitoring indicators.

States Party to the Convention of Belém do Pará

Bandera Antigua y Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda

Competent National Authority: Appointment pending

Bandera Argentina


Competent National Authority: Appointment pending

Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity

Bandera Bahamas


Competent National Authority: Melvelyn Symonette

First Assistant Secretary, Department of Gender and
Family Affairs

Bandera barbados


Competent National Authority: William Warner

Acting Director of the Bureau of Gender Affairs

Bandera Belice


Competent National Authority: Appointment pending

Bandera Bolivia


Competent National Authority: Nadia Alejandra Cruz Tarifa

Deputy Minister of Equal Opportunities

Bandera Brasil


Competent National Authority: Aparecida Gonçalves

Minister of Women

Vicepresident of the Conference of States Parties

Bandera Chile


Competent National Authority: Antonia Orellana Guarello

Minister of Women and Gender Equity

President of the Conferene of States Parties

Bandera Colombia


Competent National Authority: Appointment pending

Presidential Advisor on Women’s Equity

Bandera Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Autoridad Nacional Competente: Cindy Quesada Hernández

Minister of Women’s Affairs

Bandera Dominica


Competent National Authority: Appointment pending

Bandera Ecuador


Competent National Authority: Appointment pending

Minister of Women and Human Rights

Bandera El Salvador

El Salvador

Competent National Authority: Yanci Salmerón de Artiga

Executive Director, Institute for the Development of
Women (ISDEMU)

Bandera Granada


Competent National Authority: Chrissie Worme- Charles

Permanent Secretary (a.i.), Deparment of Gender Affairs, Family ,Ministry of Social Development

Bandera Guatemala


Competent National Authority: Ana Leticia Aguilar Theissen

Presidential Secretary for Women

Bandera Guyana


Competent National Authority: The Honourable Dr Vindhya Persaud

Minister of Human Services and Social Security

Bandera Haití


Competent National Authority: Appointment pending

Bandera Honduras


Competent National Authority: Doris Yolany García Paredes

Minister of the Secretariat for Women’s Affairs (SEMUJER)

Bandera Jamaica


Competent National Authority: Sharon Coburn Robinson

Acting Director, Bureau of Gender Affairs

Bandera México


Competent National Authority: Nadine Gasman Zylbermann

President of the National Women’s Institute

Bandera Nicaragua


Competent National Authority: Jessica Yaoska Padilla Leiva 

Minister of Women

Bandera Panamá


Competent National Authority:  Juana Herrera Araúz

Minister of Women

Bandera Paraguay


Competent National Authority: Cynthia Figueredo

Minister of Women

Bandera Perú


Competent National Authority: Ángela Teresa Hernández

Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations

Vice president of the Conference of States Parties

Bandera Rep. Dominicana

Dominican Republic

Competent National Authority: Mayra Jiménez

Minister of Women

Bandera San Cristóbal y Nieves

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Competent National Authority: Sharon Warner

Director of the Department of Gender Affairs

Bandera Santa Lucía

Saint Lucia 

Competent National Authority:  Janey Joseph

Director of Gender Affairs

San Vicente y las Granadinas

Sain Vincent and the Grenadines

Competent National Authority: La Fleur Quammie- Harry

Coordinator in the Gender Affairs Division, Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development and Gender Affairs

Bandera Surinam


Competent National Authority: Shiefania Jahangier

Acting Head of the Gender Affairs Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs

Trinidad y Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago

Competent National Authority: Ian Rampersad

Director, International Law and Human Rights Unit,

Ministry of the Attorney General

Bandera Uruguay


Competent National Authority: Mónica Bottero

Director of the National Institute for Women (INMUJERES)

Bandera Venezuela


Competent National Authority: Appointment pending