About Monitoring

About Monitoring

The mechanism follow up on implementation of the Convention of Belém do Pará and permit follow-up and analysis of the ways in which the Convention is being applied, and to facilitate cooperation among the states parties and among all OAS member states, this way contribute to fulfillment of its objectives.

The purposes of the mechanism are:

  • To follow up on the commitments undertaken by the states parties to the Convention and review how they are being implemented;
  • To promote the implementation of the Convention and contribute to achievement of the objectives established therein;
  • To establish a system of technical cooperation among the states parties, which shall be open to other member states and permanent observer states, for the exchange of information, experiences, and best practices as a means to update and harmonize their domestic legislation, as appropriate, and attain other common objectives associated with the Convention

How does it function?

The MESECVI process operates through multi-lateral evaluation and follow-up rounds:

During the Multi-lateral Evaluation Round:

  • The Committee of Experts prepares and circulates a questionnaire on the measures taken by the States Party to address violence against women.
  • The State Party replies to the questionnaire, which serves as the basis for the national report.
  • The Committee of Experts evaluates the reponses of the States and issues a series of recommendations to strengthen implementation of the Convention, which completes the national reports.
  • These results and recommendations are then consolidated into a Hemispheric Report.

During the Follow-up Round:

  • The Committee of Experts identifies and circulates a series of progrerss indicators to measure the implementation of the Convention and Circulates them to the States Party.
  • The States Party inform on their compliance with these indicators.
  • A consolidated Follow-up Report is produced.