Committee of Experts (CEVI)

Committee of Experts (CEVI)

The Committee of Experts is the technical part of the MESECVI, responsible for the analysis and evalaution of the implementation of the Convention.

It is composed of independent Experts that are appointed by each of the States Party and serve the MESECVI in a personal capacity.

The responsibilities of the Committee of Experts include:

  • Preparing and circulating the questionnaire on the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention
  • Evaluating the State Party responses and formulating recommendations to strengthen the implementation of the Convention
  • Producing the national and hemispheric reports
  • Identifying and circulating the indicators to measure the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention
  • Producing the follow-up report

In the evaluation of the national reports and the formulation of recommendations, the Committee organizes itself into working groups.

All of the Experts have access to the State responses to the questionnaires, although no Expert participates in the evaluation of her own State Party.

Committee of Experts of the MESECVI

Experta A&B

Antigua y Barbuda Experta Titular: Farmala Jacobs

Experta Argentina

Argentina Experta Titular: Susana Chiarotti

Bahamas Experta Titular: Sandra Dean Patterson


Barbados Experta Titular: Cecilia Babb

Belice Experta Titular: Ann Marie Williams

Bolivia Experta Titular: Lourdes Montero Justine

Brasil Experta Titular: Leila Linhares Barsted

Chile Experta Titular: Tatiana Rein Venegas

Colombia Experta Titular: Margarita Rey Anaya

Costa Rica Experta Titular: Sylvia Mesa Peluffo


Dominica Experta Titular: Sylvanie Burton


Ecuador Experta Titular: Gloria Camacho Vicepresidenta (dic 2021-dic 2022)

El Salvador Experta Titular: Tania Camila Rosa


Granada Experta Titular: Nombramiento pendiente


Guatemala Experta Titular: Hilda Morales Trujillo

Guyana Experta Titular: Nombramiento pendiente


Haití Experta Titular: Mona Jean


Honduras Experta Titular: Nombramiento pendiente


Jamaica Experta Titular: Barbara Bailey Vicepresidenta (dic 2021-dic 2022)

México Experta Titular: Teresa Incháustegui Romero


Nicaragua Experta Titular: Nombramiento pendiente


Panamá Experta Titular: Nombramiento pendiente


Paraguay Experta Titular: Pilar Callizo


Perú Experta Titular: Marcela Huaita Alegre Presidenta del Comité de Expertas (dic 2021-dic 2022)

República Dominicana Experta Titular: Cristina Altagracia Sánchez Martínez

San Cristóbal y Nieves Experta Titular: Miselle O’Brien-Norton


Santa Lucía Experta Titular: Marcia Symphorien

San Vicente y las Granadinas Experta Titular: Miriam Roache

Suriname Experta Titular: Rinette Djokarto

Trinidad y Tobago Experta Titular: Sherna Alexander

Uruguay Experta Titular: Diana González Perrett


Venezuela Experta Titular: Natalia Brandler